Key consideration to accurately value Digital Assets for successful M&A Transactions

For any existing enterprise, acquiring the appropriate digital asset as a part of an inorganic M&A will generally lead to increased growth, revenue and greater market share which can be expressed in clear quantitative metrics when driven by clear business case. New technology disrupts markets and generally require a fresh set of metrics to calculate the value that digital assets being considered for this acquisiion. Consequently, calculating M&A risk accurately in such instances is crucial to avoiding overpayment and losses down the road along with steps to focus on steps that will improve the odds of a successful M&A

Big Tech Breakup – Considerations and Reality – Our Thoughts

Netflix is an amazing digital success story – starting out almost 15 years ago as a predominantly DVD subscription service, Netflix was able to pivot along the way and take advantage of rapidly evolving mobile technology and ever-improving internet speeds to become one of the largest video distribution networks on the planet. The success of Netflix is an excellent example of “creative destruction,” a term originated in the 1940s by economist Joseph Schumpeter, who described it as the “process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new

Wells Fargo Fake Account Scandal – Lessons for Financial Institution Leadership and Banking Regulators

Published earlier in Oct 2016 in my earlier Blog – Ported here in Aug 2017: As we have all read in the news recently, Wells Fargo & Co is currently embroiled in a fake accounts creation scandal. It is understood that this was a multiyear “scam” where millions of unrequested, fee-generating customer accounts were unearthed at Wells Fargo (WFC), a bank traditionally considered “old school” and “conservative”. The alleged misconduct was revealed when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Los Angeles City Attorney and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) fined the bank $185 million, alleging that more